In March 2023, eXi travelled to the Deeper Learning 2023 Conference. Continuing this trend of expanding the reach of emancipatory R+D, eXi teammate, JoVonne Tabb worked with attendees to explore the the possibilities associated with liberatory education.
Session Details:
Time Traveling to Liberatory Education Futures
Before we can create a more joyful, life-affirming, liberatory future of learning, we must imagine
what it might be like. And that doesn’t mean just thinking about it. It means envisioning together
what types of experiences, relationships, places, and objects might exist in the future and
making them feel real. In this time travel experience, participants will collaboratively explore
their own definitions of liberatory education; consider a range of future possibilities; and create,
display, and reflect on artifacts from the future. Equipped with a tangible understanding of what
the future might hold, they will map a path toward their future aspirations and critique their own
plans using the emancipatory R+D framework. Participants will return to the present with a
clear set of next steps along with a set of engaging and thought-provoking tools to facilitate
conversation, problem solving, and transformation with their own learning communities.
Here is a sneak peek at some of the maps that were created!